Bulk Gives Back 2022 - $100,000 gifted!

Bulk Gives Back has been completed!
Everyone knows what a tough few years it has been. For lots of small not for profits, they rely on the generosity of small local businesses to support them, and as one of our applicants noted "it is very difficult to request and obtain sponsorship from businesses that have also suffered losses like floods, downturn in tourism and illness". So that's why we at Bulk Nutrients thought it was a great opportunity for us to bridge the gap.
We have always strongly supported local and community events, and from our very early days in business, we loved to support regional events, as being regional ourselves, we understand the difficulties of hosting and running events for smaller groups of people. On the flip side, we know how much those events are supported by the local community, and how valuable it is to be able to play sport, have your mental health supported, and become part of your local community in a location close to you, wherever you are.
It has been a real pleasure to assess the hundreds of applications we have received. And it's been a really difficult to pick only 100 to support.
To see all of the successful applicants, please check out our Bulk Gives Back page here, but below is a sample of some of the great organisations we have supported.
Organisations supporting pets and their owners
Recognising the importance of pets to our mental health and wellbeing, Pets in the Park Hobart, POOPs, and The Rainbow Paws Program were each awarded $1000 towards their programs.
The Rainbow Paws program was created to provide support for pets and their people during hard times, and help to reduce the stress on owners, human services providers, and the pets. They deliver pet food, provide emergency boarding, and subsidise desexing and veterinary care, to support people in difficult circumstances to maintain pet ownership.
Pets of Older Persons provides a fee-free pet care service for elderly or disabled pet owners. They have been carrying out their mission of ‘Keeping people and pets together’ since 2010. In 2021 their Busselton volunteers donated over 10,000 hours of their time and drove 60,000kms to help those in need.
Pets in the Park is a free service for people suffering from homelessness to have their pet’s health and wellbeing supported through free veterinary care. They run a free pop-up clinic monthly in Hobart, and their volunteers are comprised of veterinarians, veterinary nurses, and animal lovers committed to making a difference in the lives of both animals and vulnerable and homeless humans in Hobart.
Organisations that encourage inclusive sporting participationÂ
We have gifted funds to organisations that encourage and facilitate sporting participation such as Sport and the Spectrum, Arrogone Archers, Inclusive Innovations Tas, Specialist Hoops, and Racing with Autism Australia.
Sport and the Spectrum connect autistic children and their families and friends with supported sporting experience and whole family activities. They love to facilitate programs where kids can participate with their neurotypical siblings in sports and other activities.
Arrogone Archers run an inclusive archery program and is developing a rainBow Archery program, to specifically facilitate the participation of the LGBTQI+ community in Archery.
Inclusive Innovations Tasmania has a mission of Making Inclusion mainstream (TM), and they are raising funds foran all-ages, all-abilities participation program as well as sending players to represent Tasmania at the 2023 National Cricket Inclusion Championships as part of their Blind Cricket Tas initiative.
Specialist Hoops supports people living with a disability to play basketball in a safe, supportive and non-judgmental environment, and live by their motto that 'No One Gets Left Behind'.
Racing with Autism supports over 30 racers to participate in Motorsport. They also run a 'Pit Stop' initiative at events, providing a calm and safe space to spend some time.
Organisations that support mental health and community
In support of mental health and community, we have supported organisations such as Mr Perfect, Men Care too, Eden's Mens Shed, Huon She Shed, Biggenden Women's Shed, and The Warrior Woman Foundation.
Mr Perfect coordinates BBQs and get-togethers for men to create community and connection and offer each other care and support.
Men Care Too provides support to men in unpaid caring roles, to offer support and connection to combat isolation and loneliness.
Eden Men's, Huon She Shed, and Biggenden Women's Shed all provide environments to learn and share skills in building, wood, and metal work. Huon She Shed provides a tool library, which combined with the shared knowledge supports being able to confidently complete home repairs and maintenance. Eden Men's Shed specifically facilitates visits by those suffering from dementia and their carers, and Biggenden Women's Shed shares skills and has a particular interest in supporting women that have experienced domestic violence.
The Warrior Woman foundation supports vulnerable young women as they exit the out of home care system on their 18th birthday, to provide mentoring and support on their transition into adulthood.
Organisations that promote creative opportunitiesÂ
We supported innovative programs, such as the Australian Breaking Association, Story Island project, and Project Kindness.
The Australian Breaking Association nourishes and supports the growth of the Breaking and Hip-Hop communities in Australia. They support skills development, and opportunities for competition as well as providing support on the pathway to the Olympics.
The Story Island Project builds creativity and confidence through dynamic storytelling workshops. Their programs support the development of imagination and resilience.
Project Kindness (as the name suggests) spreads kindness and works to improve quality of life by connecting vulnerable community members with people to provide support, restore dignity and respect.
Local sporting clubs that support their communities
Finally, we couldn't go past the many sporting teams and organisations that support players from kids through the adults to participate in sport, here are just a few; D'entecasteaux Pony Club, Weipa Running Festival, Lismore Workers Swim Team, Eastern Lightening Softball Club, Angas Go Kart club, Strongwoman Australia, The Munda Biddi Trail Foundation Inc, and Mayfield United Senior Football Club.
There is a lot of great community work being done in Australia!
Each of these organisations supports their local community members to participate in sports to improve physical health while also providing support, community, and shared goal setting to strengthen relationships and support individual wellbeing. All are run by volunteers and rely heavily on fundraising and external support to run.
We expect the next 12 months to be tough for many, rising cost of living is having a significant impact and so we are really proud to offer this support, knowing that all these local organisations can make a small amount go a really long way.
It has been a privilege to assess the hundreds of applications, and even more so to see the positive impact these organisations have.

Ben Crowley, founder of Australia's top sports supplement brand, Bulk Nutrients, combines two decades of industry experience with a commitment to employee work-life balance and career growth.
A firm believer in quality, Ben founded Bulk Nutrients to provide affordable, high-quality products, even amid global challenges.
Apart from business, he enjoys family time, outdoor activities, and adrenaline-charged car projects.
More about Ben Crowley