Online Protein Calculator
Use the Bulk Nutrients Protein Calculator Tool to compare the protein you're currently using to our great range of proteins. It tells you how much you'd save by making the switch to Bulk Nutrients!
Calculations based on one serve (30g of protein) per day. If you have two serves a day, just double the price - and the savings!
If you have any questions, get in touch.
Compare your current protein powder to see how much you can save on supplements by shopping online with Bulk Nutrients.
Make the switch today so you can get the best bang for your buck!
An Easy-Whey to Compare
Bulk Nutrients’ handy Protein Calculator Tool makes it easy when it comes to comparing protein, all you have to do is follow these easy steps…
Simply pick the current protein you’re consuming, making sure to choose the correct details and then select which one, two… no, make that THREE of the proteins you’d like to compare from Bulk Nutrients’ great range.
You’ll then be able to decide on which one to buy based on facts no bro-science!
How do we calculate best value protein?
Easy, we’ve got a team of wizards who have been working very hard… searching far and wide in the realms of protein gathering as much information as possible, all so we can offer this glorious service.
Powered with this information, the Protein Calculator then breaks it down into four parts:
- Percentage of protein
- Actual protein per pack
- Cost per 30g serve of actual protein
- Cost per month to consume this supplement, based on one 30g serve per day over 30 days
This information gives you a great way to take control and make an educated decision when it comes to getting best value and best nutritional values supplement that ticks all the boxes you’re after. If you have two serves a day, just double the price - and the savings!
Because let’s face it, nobody want’s to pay premium prices for non-premium products.
Grab a free sample to judge for yourself
Seeing how much you can save by making the switch to Bulk Nutrients’ exceptionally pure proteins is one thing... but trying it for yourself is another.
That’s why here at Bulk Nutrients we offer a free sample program to Australian residences where you can request a sample from one of our most popular proteins and we’ll send it to you absolutely free!
Try one of our proteins on us - we’re super sure it’ll blow you away!