Bulk Nutrients Proudly Supporting the Community
In 2024, Bulk's Giving Back - again!
In 2022 and 2024, we donated $1000 daily over 100 days to 100 Australian Not for Profit or Charity organisations. That's $200,000 to grassroots organisations!
Why? We're strong believers in the power of community, so helping them and their volunteers is logical.
Find out more at Bulk Gives Back.
Bulk Nutrients' Everyday Community Support
At Bulk Nutrients, we love having the opportunity to support individuals and groups doing incredible work advocating for causes that really matter.
From mental health, cancer research and work in less developed countries to post-traumatic stress in veterans, homelessness and children living under difficult circumstances; we’re proud to support charities campaigning the issues many people face today.
We donate products and samples to events across the country and we also support initiatives with cash donations. We especially love supporting events and initiatives that combine advocacy, fundraising and fitness!
Hope in the Huon

Bulk Nutrients is proud to support Hope in the Huon, a local initiative to improve access to mental health support and suicide prevention services in the Huon Valley. Money raised will be used to deliver FREE mental health first aid information sessions, mental health education and training for Huon Valley community members. The remaining funds will be shared across several mental health programs providing services in the Huon Valley.
Community Against Poverty - Let's get Tanked!

Community Against Poverty is a small (but dedicated!) group that fundraises to supply water tanks to villages in Vietnam. The organisation is based in the Huon Valley, where our facility is located. In 2023, one of our staff Steve travelled with the group to deliver the tanks, as well as delivering books and supplies to support the local community libraries. Clean water is vital for health, and we are proud to provide ongoing support for this cause.
Unicef Global Parent

Bulk Nutrients supports the UNICEF Global Parent program with monthly donations to support children's health and wellbeing.
UNICEF is the United Nations Children’s Fund, a leading global humanitarian and development agency that works to uphold the rights of every child. They work around the globe to ensure every child has safe water, food, health care, education, and a safe place to grow up.
Amnesty International

Bulk Nutrients supports Amnesty International to defend Human Rights with monthly donations to support their work in Australia and the Asia Pacific.
Amnesty International works to help fight abuses of human rights worldwide. They campaign on a wide range of issues such as protecting the rights of refugees, women, children, LGBTQIA+ and champion for indigenous and climate justice.
Rotary Australia World Community Service supporting Global Village Housing

Bulk Nutrients supports the Global Village Housing through the Rotary Australia World Community Service with monthly donations to provide impoverished people in Cambodia a low cost, and robust home to call their own.
These homes help to transform the lives of families struggling to survive in unsanitary conditions, intense climates, and extreme poverty.
Red Cross

Bulk Nutrients supports the annual Red Shield Appeal as well as provides monthly donations to support the work of the Red Cross both locally and overseas.
Red Cross is a non-profit humanitarian organisation, that was founded to protect human life. They provide emergency assistance and disaster relief to places in conflict and crisis with the humanitarian actions carried out by a huge network of volunteers, blood donors, members, and staff worldwide.
ACCI Relief

Bulk Nutrients supports the ACCI Relief with monthly donations to provide community development and sustainable solutions to combat injustice and reverse the effects of human poverty.
ACCI Relief is the aid and development arm of the Australian Christian Churches movement. Their vision is to empower individuals, families, and communities to influence decisions affecting their own lives and advocate for their rights as human beings with equal voice and equal value.
Mobart Mo Bros

The Mobart Mo Bros are a group of Tasmanians binding together to raise awareness and funds for men's health. In the early days, the Mo Bros organised a run from Launceston to Hobart covering about 200 kilometres, running two kilometres at a time passing the ‘Mo’ baton.
But as the event grew it because logically difficult, so the growing group of Mo Bros and Mo Sistas decided to participate in already established fun run the Point to Pinnacle to raise awareness and funds for men’s health.
We support the team each year during their Movember efforts change the face of men’s health. In 2020 with the support of our loyal Bulk fans, we donated $10,000 to the Mo Bros fundraising efforts.
Want to get involved? Find out more here or view our detailed blog post here.
2019 / 2020 Australian Bushfire Crisis

In mid-January 2020 during the height of the Australian Bushfire Crisis, Bulk Nutrients made a one off donation of $10,000 to the Salvation Army Bushfire Appeal.
This was followed up two weeks later with a special run of Vanilla Maple Protein Matrix+ where all proceeds were donated between the WWF and the Salvation Army Bushfire Appeals. This special run of protein sold out in just five days and raised a whopping $20,000 which went toward helping Aussie families and animals affected by the devastating bushfires.
This second donation brought Bulk’s total contribution up to $30,000 for a great cause.
Huon Valley After School Activities

We believe supporting young people to become active can have long term positive impacts, and we are pleased to support our local council to provide weekly after school activities in regional centres such as Dover, Huonville, Cygnet and Port Huon.
The after school activities promote healthy living and community connection, and give children in remote and regional areas an opportunity to access fun group and sporting activities that are often only available to children in metropolitan centres. You can find out more about this program here.
Hobart United

Hobart United is a soccer team which embraces multiculturalism, particularly focusing on African immigrant communities in Tasmania.
In 2012 Hobart United approached Bulk Nutrients founder Ben for some assistance to keep them from folding under significant debts. Hearing their story and their purpose, Ben truly wanted to support them.
In the 6+ years Bulk Nutrients has been supporting Hobart United they have gone from a struggling club with less than 50 members to a club with 150+ players with teams representing from under 7’s to seniors, and more recently a women’s team.
While they are a competitive club in many of the leagues, their major focus remains on building strong networks and encouraging social integration for all members. Bulk Nutrients is immensely proud of the club, the community they have built for the migrant community and what they continue to achieve.

We proudly support children's cancer charity, Redkite, by donating several supplement stacks to their major fundraiser for the year and helping raise $208,000 for Australian children and young people with cancer.
Redkite help support young cancer patients throughout the whole cancer journey, from the moment of diagnosis until after treatment finishes. Find out more about the work they do on their website.
Leukemia Foundation

We love supporting the Leukaemia Foundation through their fundraising fitness event Get Your Blood Pumping for Blood Cancer.
We recently donated a supplement stack for a raffle as well as 80 health packs for the participants. This initiative is a fun and engaging way of raising awareness of blood cancers and disorders and fundraising for research. Why not get your own blood pumping?
Hobart View Club

Hobart VIEW Club supports the work of The Smith Family in Tasmania, through funding educational scholarships for students in need.
To help them fundraise we donated a General Sports Performance Stack that was used in a silent auction. All funds raised go towards supporting Tasmanian students who experience disadvantage.
All Fired Up

We love nothing more than supporting Community Fun Runs, especially when they raise funds for local emergency services!
Edithvale Fire Brigade is a volunteer fire brigade that supports the local community with fire and rescue services. We supply the on-course nutrition (Electrolyte+) as well as samples for all participants. Last year they raised $11,000! Find out more.
Feel the Magic Foundation

We supported the work of charity Feel the Magic by sponsoring the 2018 Australia Wide Weight Loss Support Meet Up and providing samples for all 260+ delegates.
Feel the Magic is a not for profit operating Australia's largest and leading grief education and support program "Camp Magic" for children dealing with the loss of a parent
Global Village Housing

Our videographer Barry asked for us to donate to Global Village Housing in Cambodia as payment for his work on our videos, this donation was enough to purchase a house. This grassroots organisation build and gift homes to the poorest of the poor in rural Cambodia.
Since discovering this amazing charity Bulk Nutrients has committed to providing continual support in building and maintaining homes.
You can find out more about this amazing charity here.
The Matthew Millhouse Salute

We’re proud to be supporting local fundraising event The Matthew Millhouse Salute.
This event is in memory of Tasmanian Trooper Matthew Millhouse and raises funds for the White Cloud Foundation, a mental health organisation that provides early intervention services for Australians with or at risk of developing depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or perinatal depression (PND).
The Matthew Millhouse Salute challenges participants to either run, cycle, kayak, pack march or walk to and from Bellerive Beach in Hobart. We are providing samples, on course nutrition and donating to the cause. Find out how you can get involved.
Salvation Army

The Salvation Army does great work across the country for people experiencing hardships such as homelessness, addiction and domestic violence.
To support our local Hobart Branch, we participated in the common ground charity gold day and donated a general sports performance stack for their fundraiser.
The Alex Gadomski Fellowship

Alexander Gadomski was a Tasmanian boy whose life was tragically cut short as a result of a long battle with bone marrow failure. The Alex Gadomski Fellowship was created as a non-profit organisation to honour his legacy and raise funds to further the research into finding a cure for BMFS.
To help the cause, Bulk Nutrients sponsored the ‘bloody long run’ event by providing supps and cash donations. The ‘bloody long run’ was a 300kms running event completed by a team of 8 runners over 3 days. The event was a great success and raised over $40,000!
For more information or to make a donation check out their Facebook page at The Alex Gadomski Fellowship.
Suicide Prevention Australia

In support of Suicide Prevention Australia, Anytime Fitness organised a 24-hour Treadmill Challenge with almost 300 clubs joining in.
We donated products for clubs to use in their fundraising raffles. Suicide Prevention Australia delivers national leadership for the meaningful reduction of suicide in Australia by fostering partnerships that change behaviours and attitudes to suicide prevention.
Pathways Tasmania

Pathways Tasmania are an organisation that provides a safe home for young people and foster children and support them on a journey to a better life.
We sponsor the Pathways Tasmania Freedom Ride by providing with product for the course, and samples for all participants. They raise money for the homeless and those who have battled addiction, depression and substance abuse.
The Freedom Ride is an annual charity event that assists in raising funds for initiatives which empower individuals to live free of addiction, homelessness and associated issues.
FSHD Global Research Foundation

This Australian not-for-profit organisation raises funds and awareness for Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy (FSHD), a highly complex, progressive muscle wasting disease. The FSHD Global Research Foundation uses a 100% model where every cent of tax deductible donations are used to fund research, trials and drug developments to ultimately find a cure.
We supported the foundation by donating products as prizes for their annual Sydney Chocolate Ball fundraiser which raised over $1.2 million!
Margate Cricket Club

At Bulk, we love to support local community sports. Margate Cricket Club is a team located south of Hobart that plays in the Huon Channel cricket association. Check out the Bulk Nutrient's product that can improve your cricket game.
Bulk Nutrients is a proud gold sponsor of the club through the 2021/22 and 2022/23 seasons.
For more information check out their Facebook page at Margate Cricket Club.
Sandy Bay Harrier Club

At Bulk, we love to support local community sports. Sandy Bay Harrier Club is based in the southern suburbs of Hobart. Established in 1927 and is Tasmania’s oldest athletics club competing in track & field, cross country, road running, marathons and fun runs.
Bulk has been supporting the club since 2020 and has been the naming sponsor of the Performance of the Round through since 2021/22 Track & Field season and will continue through the 2024/25 season.
For more information check out their Facebook page at Sandy Bay Harrier Club.
Bulk Nutrients' Partners
Here at Bulk Nutrients we love partnering with people and organisations who share our values.
Find out more on our Partners page and Anytime Fitness Partnership.