How To Read A Nutrition Panel

Why Does a Nutrition Panel Matter?
Broken down, a nutrition information panel shows you what exactly is in the product you’re about to consume and what you’re going to get out of it.
Everything from fat levels to kilojoules of energy, protein levels and more can be found in that one small table.
You look at a nutrition information panel, and you take that information as it stands – because obviously the company tests their products and prints accurate information?
Yes… we would hope so. But that’s not always the case.
When it comes to protein, some companies quote their products on an “as is” basis like we do here at Bulk Nutrients, which measures the protein level exactly how you receive it; while others quote it on a “dry basis” which is the level if the moisture was taken out of it. Dry basis raises the protein level of the product, inflating the numbers – we believe this is misleading.

What Is The Importance of Lab Testing?
At Bulk, we think it’s important for transparency to have our protein products tested at independent laboratories.
We want to make sure that what we have on our nutrition panels matches the product we’re selling our customers, as well as ensuring our product stacks up against what is available across the Australian market.

What Is An Acceptable Variance?
We say an acceptable variance is within 5 percent of what’s listed on a nutrition panel.
Seasonal variation between batches of WPI and WPC can occur, given it’s a product derived from milk which varies based on what the cows are eating, and can also depend on where the protein is sourced from.
To us, an unacceptable variance is a big difference between what’s listed and what comes back. Sadly, there have been variances from companies across the world that are completely different from what their label says – but we find that most here in Australia are in line with what they advertise.

Why Use An Independent Testing Lab?
While we regularly test our products, we send them to an independent lab to ensure transparency.
By providing customers with results from testing at an independent lab, you can be confident with the information provided.

Ebony is our resident wordsmith here at Bulk! A reforming journalist and a graduate of the University of Tasmania, she's our resident copywriter, cat mum, pilates princess and (self appointed) Chief Swiftie!
More about Ebony Abblitt