What Are Probiotics and Why Should You Take Them?

What are Probiotics?
Basically, they’re a type of bacteria.
The human body carries nearly 100 trillion bacteria in the gut, which is more than 10 times the total number of cells in the entire body. That’s crazy, isn’t it?
Probiotics are the “good” variety of bacteria that help keep the intestines healthy and assist with nutrient absorption.
They’re the good guys!

Why take probiotics?
Well, the benefits of probiotics are multifaceted and growing as more research is undertaken.
But if you’re dubious about taking another vitamin capsule, here’s why a probiotic may help you feel good all year round.
How do probiotics work?
Probiotics work to help maintain balance in the intestinal microbiota. By enhancing the intestinal flora, these microorganisms have a larger effect in terms of keeping people in good health.
Recent research on the microbiome has shown that its influence extends far beyond the gut, playing a crucial role in both our digestive and immune systems.
Even more recently, studies are showing the role of the microbiome in areas including brain health, memory and even mental health.
Let's talk about a few ways Probiotics can help you in your day to day life...
Probiotics support the digestive system
The main benefit of taking a probiotic is the support it gives to the digestive system and gut by delivering healthy bacteria to the body.
People with digestive issues and sensitivities such as lactose intolerance can enjoy reduced symptoms whilst taking a probiotic supplement.
Probiotics have an almost anti-inflammatory effect on the digestive system and stimulate the immune system which promotes a healthy gut.

Immunity boost with Probiotics
The increased number of good bacteria in the gut is also beneficial for immunity. A probiotic supplement can provide immune support to help you stay healthy year-round.
Researchers are starting to discover the real importance of gut bacteria, including their influence on the immune system.
The gut accounts for 25% of the immune cells in the body while providing 50% of the body’s actual immune response.
Studies have found that probiotics can stimulate the immune system during the winter months to guard against sickness, even in the elderly!
Probiotics helped to see a decrease in respiratory conditions in humans and a better functioning immune system.
Probiotics can provide relief in sickness
On a course of antibiotics? Probiotics are especially useful here.
By delivering lots of good bacteria to the body, probiotics can reduce the negative effects of antibiotics such as diarrhoea and can also prevent thrush in females.
They’re also a useful addition to your diet when coming down with the winter lurgy, gastro, diarrhoea and any immune compromising sickness.

Ellie’s an absolute copywriting boss from Hobart, Tasmania!
She's an amateur powerlifter who's crushed it in several competitions, and she's got all the keto knowledge to keep her fuelled up for her workouts.
One thing you'll always find in Ellie's pantry is a jar of peanut butter - she's obsessed.
More about Ellie HearnReferences:
- Lefevre, M., Racedo, S., Ripert, G., Housez, B., Cazaubiel, M., Maudet, C., Jüsten, P., Marteau, P. and Urdaci, M., 2015. Probiotic strain Bacillus subtilis CU1 stimulates immune system of elderly during common infectious disease period: a randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled study. Immunity & Ageing, [online] 12(1). Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4669646/.
- Pagnini, C., Saeed, R., Bamias, G., Arseneau, K., Pizarro, T. and Cominelli, F., 2009. Probiotics promote gut health through stimulation of epithelial innate immunity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, [online] 107(1), pp.454-459. Available at: https://www.pnas.org/content/early/2009/12/10/0910307107