The Supplement that Shines from Sesame Seeds!

Sesamin is a lignan compound that’s isolated from sesame seeds. A diet rich in plant lignans has been consistently associated with reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. The active sesamin compound then binds to a receptor called Peroxisome Proliferator-Activator Receptor Alpha (PPAR-a) and activates it.
PPAR-a is believed to be important for weight loss. It’s active in several parts of the body and helps increase the oxidisation of fatty acids.
Sesamin for weight loss
Sesamin’s major benefit for the body is in weight loss, given its capacity to activate the PPAR-a receptor. Sesamin has also been reported to reduce lipogenesis by reducing liver fat storage enzymes, helping it burn fat and reduce fat storage within the body.
Due to its antioxidant powers, sesamin is believed to have a promising potential as a fat burner, as it can inhibit the absorption of fats in the small intestine.
A study published in 2023 found sesamin helped to fight against obesity and reduce weight, body mass index (BMI), and waist circumference, as well as fasting blood sugar levels – with a possible link to sesamin aiding diabetes.
One literature review from 2021 analysed seven different trials, four of which focused on the impact sesamin can have on obesity. Overall, the review saw a small effect on the total mean body weight of participants who took a sesamin supplement compared with those who were in the control group.

Sesamin for overall wellbeing
Sesamin for cardiovascular disease
A research review published in 2020 looked at several sesamin studies that showed antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and, therefore, benefits for the body. Several studies revealed the role sesamin played in helping to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, two things intrinsically linked to various cardiovascular diseases. The review highlighted several pathways of how sesamin benefitted cardiovascular disease, connecting it to reducing hypertension, obesity, and diabetes.
The review’s overall conclusion was that sesamin is useful as a therapeutic agent for combatting cardiovascular disease and its risk factors.
High blood pressure is a significant factor in cardiovascular disease, which is common among many adults. Lifestyle changes, including physical activity and reducing alcohol, can help lower blood pressure. Medicines and natural alternatives are also being studied for their potential to assist in lowering blood pressure. One animal study from 2015 found that a four-week cycle of sesamin supplements helped decrease pressure in the ventricular system.
A human study also found sesamin to have anti-hypertensive effects. Both men and women either received sesamin for four weeks or a placebo. At the end of the four-week trial, participants who received sesamin saw a reduction in systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

Sesamin’s anti-inflammatory benefits
Sesamin has reported anti-inflammatory powers, with research showing it is useful to reduce inflammatory diseases such as atherosclerosis. Sesamin has been found to decrease lesion formation caused by the disease, as well as helping to reduce the level of LDL-cholesterol produced in the body and therefore the risk of developing atherosclerosis in the first place.
Sesamin has also been linked to improving some markers of glycemic control in people with type 3 diabetes, protecting organs, including the liver and kidney, from damage caused by oxidative stress and inflammation. It is believed also to have anti-cancer effects.

Ebony is our resident wordsmith here at Bulk! A reforming journalist and a graduate of the University of Tasmania, she's our resident copywriter, cat mum, pilates princess and (self appointed) Chief Swiftie!
More about Ebony AbblittReferences:
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