No Time to Train? Try Thor’s 20 Minute Session

No time or facilities to train?
You might have put in an extra couple of hours at the office and simply can’t commit to your usual 45 – 60 minute workout. Or, it might be school holidays, which means you’re keeping a watchful eye on the kids all day, all week.
For me, the most challenging time to train is when I am travelling interstate to attend a comic convention. It may not be convenient enough for me to go to a gym while I’m on the road, to do either one of my “Pull”, “Legs” or “Push” workouts.
In terms of local gyms, I usually find they’re either too expensive ($20 for a casual, no thanks) or they don’t open early enough as I like to train first thing in the morning and I’m usually out of bed by 5 am. And if I’m staying at a hotel which has a gym, they often don’t have enough weights for me.
What’s the solution?
The hack – If you’re short on time for your daily workout, try this simple full-body workout that I have developed to train the whole body in around 20 minutes. It can literally be done anywhere, anytime!
This is a great workout for those who religiously train at home, too. All you need is a resistance band that has an appropriate amount of resistance for your training ability.
For my guys and gals who I personally coach, I recommend purchasing the appropriate resistance band from Iron Edge (for those who are in Australia) as they have a great range of bands to suit your every need. My guys and gals who I coach internationally, I normally refer them to their best domestic online fitness store.
My ultimate on-the-go workout
So, here’s how to do the workout.
Firstly, warm up your muscles and mobilise your joints with a few stretches and then go straight into each of these exercises one after the other.
Exercise | Reps | Sets |
Body weight squats | 10 – 12 | 3 – 4 |
Push ups | 10 – 12 | 3 – 4 |
Seated rows | 10 – 12 | 3 – 4 |
Squat presses | 10 – 12 | 3 – 4 |
Arm curls | 10 – 12 | 3 – 4 |
Ab crunch variations | 10 – 12 | 3 – 4 |

Things to note
Repeat the circuit 3 – 4 times with minimal rest in between exercises.
Cooldown by stretching all the major muscles.
You can vary the intensity and volume to suit your level but also make it challenging.
This should take around 20 minutes in total. So “It’s not about having the time, it’s about making the time.” Thor – OUT!

Otherwise known as "Thor of OZ" due to his uncanny likeness to a certain superhero, and GIQUE Fitness Coach, Andy holds a Master Trainer Certificate IV in Fitness, specialising in coaching. A Bulk Ambassador since the beginning, Andy is focused on helping his friends in the cosplay community achieve their full potential and lead a healthy, balanced lifestyle.
More about Andy Leigh