Jess Crowley

Jess Crowley came to Bulk Nutrients with a background in science and teaching.
She has a Bachelor of Science (Honours) from the University of Tasmania in Microbiology, Chemistry, Data, and Statistics, which has come in handy with her work at Bulk! She didn't have an interest in studying Business at university, but it turns out she didn't need to.
She also holds a Bachelor of Teaching and was a secondary maths and science teacher before starting at Bulk Nutrients in 2011, when the company was in its early days, managing finance and compliance.
Jess has extensively trained in HACCP (Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Point) and overall food safety. She's also a board director for the Tasmanian Dairy Industry Authority and the Southern Employment & Training Network.
As the Bulk Nutrients business grew, so did Jess's roles and responsibilities. Her focus on food safety, structure, and process perfectly aligned with Ben's (her brother-in-law) entrepreneurial drive and ideas. Jess took on the role of General Manager in 2014, and they've grown the business together since.
What does the role of General Manager look like? A little bit of everything! From working one-on-one with every area of the business to stimulating growth, new product development, and strategic planning, Jess has an uncanny ability to know every single person in the business - no mean feat with around 100 employees across several sites.
Jess is a big people person, as demonstrated by the interaction she has with staff, clients, and contractors daily. She loves supporting employees to grow and succeed and is proud to employ local people, particularly in the Huon Valley, where Bulk Nutrients has its main base. She enjoys complex projects with many variables, bringing it all together productively. Her work at Bulk Nutrients aligns with her own personal values - a match made in heaven.
One of her favourite achievements of working at Bulk is establishing Bulk Gives Back - a community grants program that has operated in both 2022 and 2024. Bulk Gives Back has now helped 200 grassroots organisations, community groups and sporting teams across Australia with grants of $1000 to help them achieve their goals.
In her spare time (when she finds some!) she loves spending time with her three children (who all also now work at Bulk!) and husband who live locally in the Huon Valley.
Jess and her family are horse people who love to ride regularly.
And a parting tidbit from Jess - our Collagen Protein is an excellent supplement not just for humans but horses too!